حامی فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

حامی فایل

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

کتاب 100 ایده برتر برای ساختن شغلتان به زبان انگلیسی

اختصاصی از حامی فایل کتاب 100 ایده برتر برای ساختن شغلتان به زبان انگلیسی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

این کتاب مشتمل بر 100 ایده شغلی و تجاری است که در 16 دسته بندی ارائه شده است. مطالعه این کتاب برای کسانی که به دنبال ایده های شغلی یا نوآوری در بیزینس خود هستند میتواند بسیار مفید باشد. کتاب به زبان ساده بوده و برای کسانی که به عنوان مطالعه عمومی میخواهند از آن استفاده کنند نیز بسیار مفید است. این کتاب به زبان انگلیسی و شامل 186 صفحه میباشد.

It is not possible for any organization to exist without some form of internal politics.
The fact is that people disagree about the way ahead, and have different and often
conflicting agendas and objectives. Face it; in company politics the competition is
your colleagues. It is also very difficult to make a decision on behalf of an organization
without paying attention to what the implications of the decision are to you.
Difficult and probably not desirable either, since business wants its people to achieve
success and to be motivated to do it continuously. So, if company politics is going to
permeate every decision that affects your career, we should start by looking at some
brutal facts. After all, you need to do more than survive in this area. The Vicar of
Bray played his organization's politics well and survived, but he never made it to
bishop. My Dad, watching the politics that my mother got into in a small local
church was heard to murmur, 'The more I see of Christians, the more sorry I feel for
the lions.' So, if the Church cannot avoid internal politics and strife, what chance
has a profit-making body like a capitalist corporation?
This chapter is a series of warming-up exercises to get ready for the fray. Tell
people what they need to know. Communicate with your seniors in their terms Idea 2
helps you communicate with your boss. Abolish your job Idea 6, and create a new post
Idea 7 cover using your own efforts to alter the structure of the company. But we
start with the most brutal truth of them all.

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کتاب 100 ایده برتر برای ساختن شغلتان به زبان انگلیسی