• Zirconium minerals have been around for a long time but have been known as either jargon, jacinth, and hyacinth
• Martin Henrich Klaproth who lived between 1742 and 1817, isolated the oxide of zirconium from zircon in 1789
• Zirconium is 25% silica, 5% iron oxide, and 70% zirconia.
• Metallic zirconium was first prepared in 1824
by Jons J. Berzelius, a Swedish chemist.
by Jons J. Berzelius, a Swedish chemist.
• The zirconium-containing mineral zircon, or
its variations (jargon, hyacinth, jacinth, or
ligure), were mentioned in biblical writings
its variations (jargon, hyacinth, jacinth, or
ligure), were mentioned in biblical writings
• The mineral was not known to contain a new
element until Klaproth analyzed a jargon from
the island of Ceylon in the Indian Ocean
element until Klaproth analyzed a jargon from
the island of Ceylon in the Indian Ocean
• Pure zirconium wasn't prepared until 1914.
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