امکانات نرم افزار MyPhoneExplorer : مدیریت لیست شماره های تلفن مدیریت تقویم مدیریت SMS ها (ارسال، دریافت، مشاهده، ویرایش و یا ذخیره کردن SMS ها در کامپیوتر) مدیریت فایل ها و جابجایی آنها بین کامپیوتر و موبایل برقراری تماس ها از طریق کامپیوتر ویرایش پروفایل ها مشاهده وضعیت موبایل (مقدار آنتن دهی، رطوبت و گرمای باطری، نسخه Firmware ، کد IMEI و ...) Just like its name suggests, MyPhoneExplorer is a simple yet very efficient tool to explore your phone. It lets you access the address book and sync it with Outlook, browse files stored on the device, manage SMS, create a backup and many other things. The only notable thing about the installation of this application is the offer of third-party software. A thing worth mentioning is the ability to make the whole application portable, which means you can also copy it on an USB drive and take it with you wherever you go. This function can be selected before the installer starts, so be sure to decide whether you want it or not before it commences. MyPhoneExplorer works with more than 700 mobile phones, including Android devices, so we’ve tested it with a K700, a pretty old-school phone, and everything worked just fine. In addition, we’ve tried the portable version and once again it performed flawlessly.
مدیریت گوشی سونی اریکسون